Dates: November 20
Time: 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Entry Fee: FREE
Join us in store or online for a good night of talking about manga! You might just find your next favorite series this way.
How does our club work?
– A manga title is chosen by the group at each meet up, everyone reads the title picked.
– During the next meeting we will chitty chat about the manga that we read.
– At the end of the meet up the group picks the next manga we want to read as a group.
– Rinse and repeat.
Zoom Join In Option Available:
If you would like to join us but not ready to meet in person that is perfectly fine. We will have this streaming on Zoom just for you to join in on the discussion.
Join Zoom Meeting On Your Computer:
Meeting ID: 846 3371 0227
Join Zoom Meeting On Your Phone:
Dial +1 346 248 7799 US
Meeting ID: 846 3371 0227